Your Insurance Broker Website Booster
Because clients want control of their coverage.
Give prospects and clients the ability to pull their own health insurance quotes online.
With this website add-on, consumers can instantly shop for, compare,
and enroll in insurance plans from multiple carriers.
Website Add-On
Some clients want to shop for themselves. Add our Shop and Enroll tool to any website. This way, you can include a link to the shopping cart tool in emails, social media posts, and more to empower consumers to find and enroll in insurance products on their own.
Automated Selling
Sell insurance 24/7. Even if you are not actively selling to clients, your website can be. When consumers add their information and select products on your insurance broker website, the system logs them as a lead and can also make recommendations for additional products.
Benefits of Our Client-Driven Shopping Cart

Provide consumers with rapid access to quotes
and the ability to shop for insurance plans to
meet instant gratification expectations.

User Experience
Bring a modern user experience to your insurance
broker website with ecommerce style tools.

Let your clients buy insurance plans at their leisure
without agent intervention to shorten enrollment
timelines and drive more revenue.*

Visitor Engagement
Keep consumers on your website and incorporate additional
functionality—including live chat, autoresponders, HR forms,
and more—to further increase engagement.

Want More?
Check Out Our End-to-End CRM
Track leads from your website, ongoing client conversations, outstanding proposals, and upcoming opportunities in one place.
Learn More